Summary: A heroic fireman minifigure with all the tools of the rescue trade: a hydrant, a hatchet, a chainsaw, a buzz saw, a fire extinguisher, and a demonstration fire to extinguish.
Price: About $3.50
Parts from: Denmark, Hungary, Mexico, China, and the Czech Republic.
Summary: Based on the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game, this tie-in set includes a Dark Side spaceship model, Imperial Officer Juno Eclipse, a battle-damaged Darth Vader, and a slightly graphically-injured secret Sith apprentice (the protagonist of the upcoming video game).
Price: About $50
Parts from: Denmark, Hungary, Mexico, China, and the Czech Republic.
Kate's Toys! is a blog written from the point of view of a dog named Kate. She will muse about things that interest her, which generally include stuff for dogs and sometimes stuff for people.
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